Our Soulwork Treatments

  • Psychology

    Embrace the warmth of understanding as you come on a compassionate journey of self-discovery. Our warm and nurturing approach will guide you through the complexities of the human mind, helping you unravel the mysteries of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

    With empathy, kindness, and a non-judgmental space, we'll explore the depths of your psyche, uncovering hidden strengths and untapped potential. Our gentle guidance will empower you!

  • Counselling

    A Safe Haven for Your Heart and Mind

    Counselling is a courageous step towards healing, growth, and transformation. Our warm and empathetic counselors will walk alongside you, offering a safe and non-judgmental space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

    With compassion, understanding, and expertise, we'll help you navigate life's challenges.

  • Telehealth

    Telehealth is like a soothing cup of tea for your health, warming you up to the idea of convenient, accessible care. With just a few clicks, you can connect with compassionate healthcare professionals, share your concerns, and receive personalized guidance - all from the snugness of your own home.

    * For both Psychology & Counselling

Remember, Soulwork is an ongoing process, a gentle unfolding of your inner beauty, and a celebration of your deepest essence

24/7 Support Services

While our team may not be available around the clock, your well-being and safety are our top priorities. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our 24/7 support services whenever you need assistance. We've got you covered, even when we're not physically present.

Emergency Services 000

RBWH 3636 8111

Prince Charles Hospital 3139 4000

QLD Health Advice (24/7) 13 43 25 84

CHQ Acute Response Team Crisis 24/7 Inner Brisbane 3068 2555

Acute Mental Health Support, Metro North 1300 64 2255

LifeLine (24/7) 13 11 14

Beyond Blue (24/7) 1300 22 46 36

Men’s Help Line (24/7) 1300 78 99 78

Suicide Call Back Service (24/7) 1300 659 467

Brisbane Rape/Incest Crisis Centre 3391 0004

Drug & Alcohol Line (24/7) 1800 177 833

Women’s Centre (24/7) 1800 657 501

Domestic Violence (24/7) 1800 811 811

Kid’s Help Line (24/7) 1800 55 1800

Salvo Care Line (24/7) 1300 36 36 22

Parent Line Service (24/7) 1300 30 1300

Community Services Info (24/7) 3837 5986

Sane Help Line (Bus Hrs) 1800 18 7263

If you're needing assistance immediately, please reach out to a dedicated 24/7 support service,

such as Lifeline (131114) or visit your local emergency room. While we're not a crisis helpline,

We care about your well-being and want to ensure you receive the immediate support you need.