Our Services


Disembark on a tender journey of soulwork, where the warmth of self-discovery envelops you, nurturing the depths of your being. Imagine wrapping yourself in a soft, cozy blanket, feeling the gentle embrace of your own compassion, and surrendering to the whispers of your heart.

Soulwork is the loving process of unwinding the threads of your true essence, tenderly weaving together the tapestry of your passions, values, and dreams. As you embark on this soothing path, the warmth of mindfulness, self-reflection, and creative expression seeps into your soul, comforting your inner world, and illuminating the beauty of your authentic self. With each gentle step, the tender warmth of soulwork kindles a sense of belonging, embracing your shadows and light, and guiding you home to the haven of your own heart.


Bodywork is like a warm, comforting hug for your entire being, melting away tension, and nurturing your body's innate wisdom. Imagine sinking into a soothing embrace, as skilled hands coax your muscles to release their hold on stress and anxiety, allowing your body to relax, renew, and rebalance.

With each gentle stroke, pressure point, and subtle manipulation, bodywork awakens your body's natural healing rhythms, dissolving knots of pain, and freeing your spirit to soar. As your body surrenders to the warmth of this compassionate touch, your mind quietens, your breath deepens, and your heart opens, allowing you to reconnect with the vibrant, thriving essence that resides within. Bodywork is a tender, loving dialogue between your body, mind, and spirit, reminding you of the profound wisdom and beauty that lies within, waiting to be nurtured, and celebrated.

24/7 Support Services

While our team may not be available around the clock, your well-being and safety are our top priorities. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our 24/7 support services whenever you need assistance. We've got you covered, even when we're not physically present.

Emergency Services 000

RBWH 3636 8111

Prince Charles Hospital 3139 4000

QLD Health Advice (24/7) 13 43 25 84

CHQ Acute Response Team Crisis 24/7 Inner Brisbane 3068 2555

Acute Mental Health Support, Metro North 1300 64 2255

LifeLine (24/7) 13 11 14

Beyond Blue (24/7) 1300 22 46 36

Men’s Help Line (24/7) 1300 78 99 78

Suicide Call Back Service (24/7) 1300 659 467

Brisbane Rape/Incest Crisis Centre 3391 0004

Drug & Alcohol Line (24/7) 1800 177 833

Women’s Centre (24/7) 1800 657 501

Domestic Violence (24/7) 1800 811 811

Kid’s Help Line (24/7) 1800 55 1800

Salvo Care Line (24/7) 1300 36 36 22

Parent Line Service (24/7) 1300 30 1300

Community Services Info (24/7) 3837 5986

Sane Help Line (Bus Hrs) 1800 18 7263

If you're needing assistance immediately, please reach out to a dedicated 24/7 support service,

such as Lifeline (131114) or visit your local emergency room. While we're not a crisis helpline,

We care about your well-being and want to ensure you receive the immediate support you need.